Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Way You Walk and Talk Really Sets Me Off

So last night was really fun! Tiffany came over. We did some shopping at the mall first, then we went and bought ingredients to cook supper with. We made chili and cornbread, then later we made pastrami, cream cheese, and pickle wraps. And we watched Harry Potter Musical, and I'm glad she seemed to enjoy it.

I think that's definitely a requirement for whoever I end up with. They definitely need to be willing to cater to my little HP addiction. If you can't laugh at that play, then you really have no soul I think. I do miss that a lot about my ex. He genuinely enjoyed it and I liked making him laugh with my impressions. I also miss laughing about my mom with him.

But that doesn't make up for everything else. I just need to find someone who can give me that happiness without all the shit inbetween.

Because let's be honest. It was mostly shit. It was so shitty, in fact, that when I DO remember all the ways he made me laugh, it doesn't make me happy. It just makes me miserable. I smile for just a second, and then I remember why that all went to pot.

I'm still feeding a Hell's Kitchen addiction. But seriously, I'm going to vomit at all the times I've seen someone chop their finger into minced meat.

I start my job on Monday and I'm nervous. This is the beginning of my life. It seems stressful and it seems like it's going to include a lot less sleep and a lot more being awake.


I wish I can delete you from my mind as easy as deleting some files on my computer.
Someone said to me: You’re too pretty to be single. I said: No, I’m too pretty to be lied to, cheated on, and played with.
<<< O.O
You can’t make the same mistake twice, the second time, it’s not a mistake, it’s a choice.

I could be asleep right now dreaming happy dreams, instead I’m awake wondering why things ended the way they did. I deserve better.

Shit happens. Just flush the toilet and move on.

<<true story.

“The suite life of Zack and Cody is the only place were there is a dumb asian and a smart blonde.”

“If a girl has a wall up it’s because it was built. Brick by brick, lie after lie, heartbreak after heartbreak.”

“A girl doesn’t need to tell you straight up how she feels. It’s written all over her behavior when you’re around.”

“Bad boys aint no good. Good boys aint no fun.”

“Friends knock on your door. Best friends walk into your house and start eating.”

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