For all of you intrigued by the story of the current "zombie" attack: Let's all take note that while we all have some sort of odd obsession with a zombie apocalypse, it isn't exactly polite to make comments about how entertaining this situation is. Someone's face is permanently mutilated. This isn't funny. And nor would a zombie apocalypse be fun when you came down to it. I'm pretty sure no one wants to be eaten alive, or watch their friends die in front of them. It's also extremely unrealistic. However, let's hope that the victim is not infected with any other sort of disease. Zombies may not be real, but insanity, rage, and a crazed desire to attack are.
On another note, my netflix account is almost canceled. Too much money for my broke little butt to pay for it. So I guess I'm going to have to turn myself to running repeats of my already owned DVDs, and hope something good is on tv. Le sigh.
On another other note, the movie Cruel Intentions made me cry. Not lying here.
On ANOTHER other other note, I just turned down my first job offer. And I feel panicky. And also GUILTY. I said I wanted to work there. Then I saw the contract. And I was like woah...maybe not. So after a weekend of negotiating and having a company bend over backwards for me, my family still all recommended I not take the job, and I was inclined to agree. So I declined. But I feel guilty about it. I'm not cut out for this business world. I'm way too nice to be....a negotiator. I never could get extremely good deals at outdoor barter markets...although interestingly enough, people usually gave in once I showed I was walking away. Even still, I just don't feel that this is the job for me. Gut feelings aren't always right. I was sure for a long time that the job was the right one. And now it's all changed. I don't know where I'm going to be in two months or two years or when I die and that frightens me. Is it so much to ask for my dreams to come true?
New York, New York and a shmexy husband. That's all I ask. Oh, and a cool house/apt and kids. IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK?? Oh, and enough money to travel. IISZZZ DIS TOO MUCH TEW ASSSKKK????
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