Wednesday, May 30, 2012

But Still You're In My Way

Look. I'm just trying to forget you. Please just let me forget you.


Took up a freelance job today. Hopefully I did well enough to impress my potential employer. I always stress when I get a new project even though I've been doing this for years.

My back is aching. It's also time that I should get to sleep but I'm not tired. I slept too much yesterday. I know why I did it. It's so easy for me to lie in bed and daydream. Takes me away from the monotony and loneliness that is my life right now.

I need a massage.

And what's worse, I don't think he can ever imagine the damage he's caused. I can't even look at a picture of a girl in a skinny tan girl in a short party dress without thinking about how that's what he wanted and that's what I'm not.

<<looks like me and heather.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Life Is a Day That Doesn't Last For Long


So I turned down my first ever job offer, and it was very stressful indeed. But I now have a freelance project, which if I do well enough may lead to employment. So wish me luck! I'll be getting the information and files tomorrow.

I will also begin applying for part-time jobs tomorrow to tide me over until I get a job in my field. I'll also be dealing with some banking transfers and deposits, and some other things.

I need to find a time to drive back up to Lubbock and pick up the rest of my things. I'm hoping that I start earning enough money to save up for an apartment and get a job so I know where I'm going to live soon, because I definitely am ready to move out of my parent's house. It's not so bad I suppose, but I hate living out of boxes and having to answer to other people. If I want to sleep in until three on Saturday I'd like to do so without being reminded "'s almost three just so you know..." Yes. I know. I like it that way.

<<I think sometimes people think this even though it usually isn't true because it makes them feel better.
<<Eternal Sunshine
<<only true sometimes.

<<my life right now.


<<when you see my face hope it gives you hell :p

"It's Thanksgiving. Some people bake pies....we bake ourselves." - Kelso, That 70's Show

Monday, May 28, 2012

Had My Heart On Lockdown

For all of you intrigued by the story of the current "zombie" attack: Let's all take note that while we all have some sort of odd obsession with a zombie apocalypse, it isn't exactly polite to make comments about how entertaining this situation is. Someone's face is permanently mutilated. This isn't funny. And nor would a zombie apocalypse be fun when you came down to it. I'm pretty sure no one wants to be eaten alive, or watch their friends die in front of them. It's also extremely unrealistic. However, let's hope that the victim is not infected with any other sort of disease. Zombies may not be real, but insanity, rage, and a crazed desire to attack are. 

On another note, my netflix account is almost canceled. Too much money for my broke little butt to pay for it. So I guess I'm going to have to turn myself to running repeats of my already owned DVDs, and hope something good is on tv. Le sigh.

On another other note, the movie Cruel Intentions made me cry. Not lying here.

On ANOTHER other other note, I just turned down my first job offer. And I feel panicky. And also GUILTY. I said I wanted to work there. Then I saw the contract. And I was like woah...maybe not. So after a weekend of negotiating and having a company bend over backwards for me, my family still all recommended I not take the job, and I was inclined to agree. So I declined. But I feel guilty about it. I'm not cut out for this business world. I'm way too nice to be....a negotiator. I never could get extremely good deals at outdoor barter markets...although interestingly enough, people usually gave in once I showed I was walking away. Even still, I just don't feel that this is the job for me. Gut feelings aren't always right. I was sure for a long time that the job was the right one. And now it's all changed. I don't know where I'm going to be in two months or two years or when I die and that frightens me. Is it so much to ask for my dreams to come true?

New York, New York and a shmexy husband. That's all I ask. Oh, and a cool house/apt and kids. IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK?? Oh, and enough money to travel. IISZZZ DIS TOO MUCH TEW ASSSKKK????

Saturday, May 26, 2012

I'm Holding On By Letting Go Of You

So. My own life is finally beginning. And....I have no idea what I'm doing.

There's not much to do at my house, and I'm really looking forward to when I save up enough money to get my own place. Maybe I can occupy myself with unpacking and organizing and decorating for a while then.

And then I can look forward to saving up for a pet.

And of course I'm continually hoping to meet Mr. Right. If there are any real, good looking, funny, and smart gentlemen left out there, feel free to give me a call. Sorta tired of sitting in my bedroom alone. Of course, I have my friends. But there's just something different about having a special someone.

If kisses were the water I would give you the sea, if hugs were the leaves
I would give you a tree, but if love was time, I would give you eternity.

Don't call yourself a man when you have no qualities of one.

Don’t stress over what could’ve been, chances are if it should’ve been, it would’ve been.

Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.

You should have two Facebook accounts. One for each face.

It’s called Facebook not Boobbook. So next time try to get you face in the picture too.

Facebook should have a button that says “in a flirtationship”
because it seems like thats all there ever is anymore.

Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.

Never make a promise you can’t keep.
You can tell a lot about a man by the promises he keeps & breaks.

Knowledge is realizing that the street is one-way, wisdom is looking both directions anyway.

The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past, you can’t go on
well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.

That awkward moment when the garbage goes out more than you.

The awkward moment when you try to search for someone’s name and
instead end up setting their name as your Facebook status.

I don’t care if you think you have ‘swag’. Just pull up your pants and walk faster.

Love is stronger than the pressure to be perfect.

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

A Reminder of What I'll Never Have

Thoughts on Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind:

I guess old Kimberlin would have found hope in it. I mean I liked the movie, as a movie. But it was all total bullshit. Not just the erasing memories part even. But the part about people...deciding they WANT to keep their memories after all. And at the end when they decide to give it another shot even though they both know they'll end up hating each other again. It's all shit. If you were hurt bad enough, like I was, there is no way in hell you'd want those memories. Or at least part of me thinks that. I may have changed my mind as I was writing lol. I guess I can see it. No matter how hurt I am by him I don't know if I could ever volunteer to forget him. But at the same time I do believe even your happiest moments with someone...those memories can be tainted with pain. Because once that person hurts you so bad, you can't think of the good times anymore without wanting to cut your own heart out because you know you lost it, and because you know the same person that once made you that happy eventually killed you inside. You watch your love, your relationship, degrade. The person that made you happy starts to abuse you. In unthinkable ways. It's horrible.

I remember looking back on old, old facebook posts from him from when we were together, for example. And I remembered how happy I was then, how incandescently happy I was. It was the happiest time of my life. But even though I knew that that's how I felt then, I couldn't reminisce happily on those memories. Instead I stared at his messages, especially the one that just said "I love you" and "I wuv you" and "I want you" over and over and over repeated just to take up space on my facebook wall...instead I stared at them and thought to myself..."What happened? How did it end up the way it did? Why can't we just go back? It's bullshit. It never meant anything in the end. What was the point? It was all a waste."

Those memories are ruined for me. I can't even think back to those times without wanting to cry because all they are now are a reminder of what I'll never have again.

Ha. A quote from my favorite song from high school. "And it breaks my heart to know the only reason you are here now is a reminder of what I'll never have." It's funny. Ironic really. That was the first song I sang to him. The night he fell in love with my voice.

And I'm just now truly understanding what that quote means.

Monday, May 7, 2012

I Have Died Every Day Waiting For You

I'm finally starting to feel the way that I did back in high school before I got my first boyfriend. (Yeah. I was all the way in high school when that happened.) Except I don't feel as much depression from it. I'm lonely, but it's not as horrible. It's not all the same, I mean. Some is. Other things about me are so much different. I used to cry myself to sleep a lot over people I barely even knew, because I was so desperate for love that I would LOOK for people to like when I didn't have anyone close to crush on. But not it's not so bad that I want to force or imagine love where there isn't. And I certainly am not going to spend my nights daydreaming about men I want but that don't want me. I used to do that, too. Which is why I cried so much, I suspect. I used to...not really WANT or ENJOY being miserable...but when I felt pain I didn't run from it. As a matter of fact, I readily allowed it to consume me, and I didn't shy away from it. Now I don't...I just don't want to feel that anymore.

A lot is the same though. I'm the type of person that will always want to be in love, and that won't ever change. I'm waiting for it now, and hoping. But not rushing. I'm not rushing, not anymore.

I'm not searching for people to chat with online every night. I'm content to just sit in my thoughts. I'm not drinking as much.

I will say, though, I just watched the episode of FRIENDS where Rachel has her baby, and I totally almost cried. And then I put in Breaking Dawn because I want to watch a wedding and a honeymoon, no matter how awfully acted they are, and I want to watch a happy couple have a baby, even if it does almost suck the life out of the mom. I'm so ready to be in that place. Well, I mean I know it doesn't just fall in your lap. Falling in love and getting to that place takes time. But I do know that I'm ready to start the journey, let's say. But only, ONLY when I find the right guy. Which translated means, I'm ready to find the right guy. But I will not FORCE myself and TRY to find him like it's the end of the world. So yeah, basically I'm just gonna chill and be really happy when it happens.

On another note, we all know that nearly ALL of my posts are about men. My dad mentioned to me a week or two ago that he thought it was his fault that I'm like this. That because he wasn't around I'm trying to fill some sort of hole or gap in my life. I guess I'll leave it up to you to decide what you think on the matter, cuz I have no idea.

I do wonder sometimes though. What is it with my obsession with being in a relationship? Why do I want it so freaking bad? I mean everyone does, but I know so many girls who LIKE being single and aren't READY for a commitment, and I'm just like...oh...I was ready for that since I came out of the womb....

Now, excuse me while I go weep at the sight of two horribly mediocre actors simulating passion.