What's NOT funny is the fact that way too many songs have been ruined for me. And it really sucks to hear a song that was by "their" artist, that you loved and had no idea it was by that artist, and then realizing who it's by and feeling like a knife has come out of nowhere and stabbed straight through your chest. And then it sucks to have it stuck in your head all day after that and end up in a perpetual hell. And also, knowing now that song is ruined for you. Fucking abusive assholes. On what planet is anything he did appropriate?
Meanwhile, I'm dealing with the fact that ANOTHER guy I saw for a little while actually tried to commit suicide when I left him. Which is really really freaky considering we had never officially been together, and we'd only actually seen each other in person for a weekend.
Men are all evil, and if they're not evil, they're way too...idk. Intense?
But life isn't ENTIRELY terrible. I have Sprite, and I have gin, and they are NOT in two separate glasses.

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