It's been a bit stressful lately. I can't really say what's going on, but it sucks. And it seems like solving the problem is taking forever. Just when I think I've got it under control something goes wrong.
Plus all of these totally unexpected expenses are popping up. My brakes in my car started to grind something awful, and that cost me about $75 to repair. $25 for medical things, then I got two bills in the mail today for something I cancelled a long time ago. I'll be calling them to see what's up. Plus my student loans finally came in and I have to start paying them off this month. Another $25 or so to get my oil changed this weekend. But, believe it or not, my electric bill for November was zero dollars. Somehow, I owe nothing. I think I even have a credit of $36. A miracle. I wouldn't be able to afford any of these things I need if it weren't for that. God is good.
I once said thank God for a policeman and a timely babysitter when this autistic kid wandered into our house. And some atheist posted on my comment about how I had just taken credit from two people who did exist and given it to someone who didn't. I don't understand why people have got to be so snarky. My best friend is atheist and she would never say something like that to me. It was rude, I didn't know this person at all. Obviously, I give credit to the babysitter and the policeman as well. Why can't people just let things like that pass? Why did he find it necessary to argue with me? Why can't he just acknowledge that there's someone out there who thinks differently and move on?
I say thank God for miracles. I can tell you what, my lack of electric bill this month was a miracle. But if you don't think it was, how does my thinking it is hurt you? I personally have never stood on a street with a sign that says "God hates _____" and I've never waged a holy war. Seriously. HOW does me thinking what happened was a miracle affect anyone else? Why do people make it their business to stick their nose into what I think like it pisses them off so much? Why do they care? Why does it hurt them so much for someone to believe something that they think is wrong? Sure. If it was something harmful, like believing that you should drink and drive or kill babies. But honestly. Believing in a miracle in my life does not affect yours at all. So what the heck is the problem?
Okay, I'll get off my soapbox now. I'd be afraid I might get a lot of trolling on this post of people wanting to argue, but I never get any comments or views. I'm sure this is more like a venting page for me. Or on the off chance my ex remembers I have this and checks in on it.
I wonder why he doesn't. He texts every few months to see how I am. He should just come here if he's so curious. Ugh.
Things with Jeff are going well for the most part. He's talking marriage and I'm thinking I may say yes. I'm sure he'll propose within the next few months. He's basically told me he would. He's even fine with looking at ring types I like to get a feel for it.
Anyway. I need to go dry my laundry. Well, re-dry really. It takes like three runs.