Getting ready for the Ren. Fest this weekend! Super excited. I'm even excited about sleeping in a tent. I've never done it before. I am nervous about bugs getting in though...if I wake up next to a spider, I don't think I'll sleep the rest of the weekend. I will be requiring everyone to keep the flaps closed and zipped at all times. They'll learn after the first time when I don't stop bitching and eventually give in.
In other news, which is actually huge news, we have now had our election! While the rest of Texas is getting ready to pack up to move out of the country, I'm secretly celebrating inside. If I tell my family I voted Obama, I'd probably be shunned. Glad both of my best friends have more similar ideas to me.
I swear, when I walked into the polling office, I heard some guy who was passing by saying loudly and obnoxiously that Obamacare would only "serve blacks," with a stupid, arrogant, hick grin on his face.
So I voted for him even harder.
Side note. My friend has just sent me a picture of a giant tub of a tea-colored drink. Then she proceeds to tell me she's mixed our drinks for the weekend. This is how she gives me the good news: "I just had power over your primary shitface material. Drink knowing it's two bottles of fruit punch vodka and everclear."
I love my best friends.

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