So I went to the Ren. Fest in Houston last weekend and it was an AMAZING time. We camped in the camping area all weekend and bought weekend long passes. The first night camping was basically just like one huge campsite-wide party. There were bonfires and drinks everywhere. And that was my first night sleeping in a tent outside. The portapotties weren't too fun though. Especially when I forgot to lock the door to one and someone opened it on me while I was mid-crouch over the bowl peeing. Wow.
On Saturday we woke up and went to the fair. I went in costume. Apparently you could see through the back of my skirt. I asked my friend if it was see-thru before we went but she said she couldn't see anything. Probably the morning lighting. But when we got there I was looking in a store of those sashes with the gold coins on them that gypsies wear. The guy was trying to sell me one. When I left he called me back and put one around me and said I was showing. How embarrassing. And just in case you're not counting, I'll do it for you: That's twice in two days that I was exposed. Anyway, I bought the sash and wore it the rest of the day, and the next day when we were there too.
The first day we shopped a lot, tried on corsets, etc. I bought a parasol in addition to the sash. We also saw a side show with this guy who did tricks with juggling with fire, a whip, and even nailed a nail into his nose up the nostril all the way. We saw a brief bit of the Birds of Prey show. I got my palm read.
Everything was ridiculously expensive.
That night I went to bed early as I was exhausted. I was also sunburned. The tent fell on me that night and I had to crawl out and get someone to help me fix it. It was quite an experience.
And the last day, we went to the fair again,
and me and Tiffany rode an elephant! It was incredible. And their skin
does NOT feel like what you'd think it would. We also watched the
Fire-Whip show, which is pretty much exactly what it sounds like. A guy
doing tricks with a whip, sometimes which is on fire. And sometimes more
than one. Then me and Tiffany got our fortunes told. The creepy part
is....the woman told me that I would have a decision to make in March.
That I would move. And that in the summer...I would get pregnant. So.
Which part of me doesn't buy, cuz she skirted around some questions and
things. But she also predicted that Tiffany would have a second job over
the holidays. When we left, Tiffany told me that she had been right,
and that she'll be working at her Uncle's store over the holidays as
well as her normal job. Sorta creeped me out. Plus, the way things are
going with Jeff, I wouldn't be surprised if I was proposed to soon. In
Of course, I told Jeff about this. I'm assuming now that
he'll ask in March just because I brought it up and maybe it planted the
idea in his head to do it then. Maybe that's how fortunes come true.
People hear them and then make them come true by the power of
suggestion. Either way, I really hope the pregnancy part isn't true. I
am not ready for a child.
So anyway, that was my Ren. Fest.
escapade. I want to go every year now. It's incredibly fun and
affordable. I mean it's expensive. But if you only go once a year and
budget yourself. I mean come on, it's doable.
In other news,
last night I tried to make homemade fries. And my stove sucks. My
apartment filled with so much smoke that the alarm went off, the whole
apartment was hazy, I got a headache and eventually had to leave and go
outside because it was burning my eyes and making me cry. It's not like I
did badly on the fries. The stove got so hot that the outsides burned
and the insides were absolutely raw. Inedible. And I only had them in
the pan for a few minutes each, not on the highest heat either. Today my
peas burned. How the hell do you burn peas? Ugh. Hate my stove.
Follow me on my journey of emotion, discovery, and adventure. My life is not extravagant. But it is extraordinary.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
We Are Never Ever Ever Getting Back Together
Getting ready for the Ren. Fest this weekend! Super excited. I'm even excited about sleeping in a tent. I've never done it before. I am nervous about bugs getting in though...if I wake up next to a spider, I don't think I'll sleep the rest of the weekend. I will be requiring everyone to keep the flaps closed and zipped at all times. They'll learn after the first time when I don't stop bitching and eventually give in.
In other news, which is actually huge news, we have now had our election! While the rest of Texas is getting ready to pack up to move out of the country, I'm secretly celebrating inside. If I tell my family I voted Obama, I'd probably be shunned. Glad both of my best friends have more similar ideas to me.
I swear, when I walked into the polling office, I heard some guy who was passing by saying loudly and obnoxiously that Obamacare would only "serve blacks," with a stupid, arrogant, hick grin on his face.
So I voted for him even harder.
Side note. My friend has just sent me a picture of a giant tub of a tea-colored drink. Then she proceeds to tell me she's mixed our drinks for the weekend. This is how she gives me the good news: "I just had power over your primary shitface material. Drink knowing it's two bottles of fruit punch vodka and everclear."
I love my best friends.

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