Sunday, December 25, 2011

You Took Me By the Hand

Today is Christmas!

It was a small Christmas at my house this year. And I could think of a million reasons to complain. It seems like all the magic of Christmas has gone. I don't huddle under my covers urging myself to sleep so that Santa will come anymore. I don't bother staying in my room because I care if the full stockings and the sight of what's under the tree is a surprise anymore. My mom puts all the stuff under the tree before Christmas Eve now anyway. We're all old enough to know Santa doesn't come. And of course, now that my older siblings have children, my parents spend most of the money on them...which makes some sense, but also kinda sorta not a lot of sense at the same time. Those kids get gifts everywhere they go. Their parents are well off. Why do they need ten gifts each here? 

My mom spent so much time shopping for them that she didn't even really shop for her own kids. I guess that hurts my feelings a bit. I guess I'm not really ready for the magic to be gone either, to be grown up. But I am. And so I've decided that I should be thankful for what I have, instead of being a selfish little snot.

I did pretty well this year. Not a lot of people get to have what I have. My mom gave me cash to buy a new TV, I got a new sleep-shirt, and since my mom got new silverware for Christmas she's giving me all of the old. As a college student about to graduate, I can't complain. I did get my own stocking, my friend is giving me some of her artwork, and I'm going to have dinner and participate in a gift exchange with my family at my Meemaw's house.

I think I should be thankful for these things. I met a girl who moved to the US from Estonia. She told me that when she goes to the stores here, she cries because she's never seen so many things in one place. I think we underestimate just how lucky we are, because we're so used to having so much. We don't even realize that it's a lot.

I'm trying to change the way I look at things.

Merry Christmas everyone!

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