Today is Christmas!
It was a small Christmas at my house this year. And I could think of a million reasons to complain. It seems like all the magic of Christmas has gone. I don't huddle under my covers urging myself to sleep so that Santa will come anymore. I don't bother staying in my room because I care if the full stockings and the sight of what's under the tree is a surprise anymore. My mom puts all the stuff under the tree before Christmas Eve now anyway. We're all old enough to know Santa doesn't come. And of course, now that my older siblings have children, my parents spend most of the money on them...which makes some sense, but also kinda sorta not a lot of sense at the same time. Those kids get gifts everywhere they go. Their parents are well off. Why do they need ten gifts each here?
My mom spent so much time shopping for them that she didn't even really shop for her own kids. I guess that hurts my feelings a bit. I guess I'm not really ready for the magic to be gone either, to be grown up. But I am. And so I've decided that I should be thankful for what I have, instead of being a selfish little snot.
I did pretty well this year. Not a lot of people get to have what I have. My mom gave me cash to buy a new TV, I got a new sleep-shirt, and since my mom got new silverware for Christmas she's giving me all of the old. As a college student about to graduate, I can't complain. I did get my own stocking, my friend is giving me some of her artwork, and I'm going to have dinner and participate in a gift exchange with my family at my Meemaw's house.
I think I should be thankful for these things. I met a girl who moved to the US from Estonia. She told me that when she goes to the stores here, she cries because she's never seen so many things in one place. I think we underestimate just how lucky we are, because we're so used to having so much. We don't even realize that it's a lot.
I'm trying to change the way I look at things.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Follow me on my journey of emotion, discovery, and adventure. My life is not extravagant. But it is extraordinary.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Trying to Figure Out This Life
Small venting session:
I fail to understand men who don't take the hint that you don't like them, nay, EXTREMELY DISLIKE THEM! If you disrespect me, insult me without provocation, or badger me, then no, I don't want to talk to you. If I begin to ignore your texts or block you from my facebook/twitter/myyearbook/etc account, then DO NOT MESSAGE ME as if nothing happened. I've been mistreated too much in my life, as most people have, and I've decided that I simply don't have time for people who don't respect me, both as a strong woman and as an intelligent, independent person. I fail to understand how some people can be so thick.
Whew, okay, that's over. I'm still irritated, but I'll leave it at that. More than a paragraph of venting, I've found, can become annoying.
It is COLD in my room. (Wow, look at that, I complained some more...whoops.)
Anyway, it's officially Christmas Eve! My schedule has been backwards since finals a few weeks ago and I can't seem to get back on track. I'm currently attempting to stay up all night in order to deprive myself of sleep so that I can get to bed at a decent hour, since I know I'll need to be awake early and all or most of the day Christmas.
My portfolio website is almost finished! I'm excited about it. I'm also proud of myself for teaching myself how to make a lot of it.
So, true confession: I LOVE PINTEREST! I pretty much have my whole life planned now. I'm basically going to be supermom PLUS epic designer. For instance, I found this amazing BUTTERBEER CUPCAKE! This is happening.

<<< inspiration. Love the use of shadows.
I fail to understand men who don't take the hint that you don't like them, nay, EXTREMELY DISLIKE THEM! If you disrespect me, insult me without provocation, or badger me, then no, I don't want to talk to you. If I begin to ignore your texts or block you from my facebook/twitter/myyearbook/etc account, then DO NOT MESSAGE ME as if nothing happened. I've been mistreated too much in my life, as most people have, and I've decided that I simply don't have time for people who don't respect me, both as a strong woman and as an intelligent, independent person. I fail to understand how some people can be so thick.
Whew, okay, that's over. I'm still irritated, but I'll leave it at that. More than a paragraph of venting, I've found, can become annoying.
It is COLD in my room. (Wow, look at that, I complained some more...whoops.)
Anyway, it's officially Christmas Eve! My schedule has been backwards since finals a few weeks ago and I can't seem to get back on track. I'm currently attempting to stay up all night in order to deprive myself of sleep so that I can get to bed at a decent hour, since I know I'll need to be awake early and all or most of the day Christmas.
My portfolio website is almost finished! I'm excited about it. I'm also proud of myself for teaching myself how to make a lot of it.
So, true confession: I LOVE PINTEREST! I pretty much have my whole life planned now. I'm basically going to be supermom PLUS epic designer. For instance, I found this amazing BUTTERBEER CUPCAKE! This is happening.

Monday, December 19, 2011
We Could Have Had It All
Just saw a commercial with Adele performing live. I am. So jealous of that woman. Yeah, I can sing that song really well too. Just...really quietly...and not with as much OOMPH! I'm a decent singer I believe. I just don't have great lung capacity, especially because of the way my back is so crooked and my ribs squish my I can't sing well very loud. Oh well. We can't all win at everything.
I'm currently watching this show called Guinea Pig. It's this guy who used be a circus performer who is now traveling the world to test his endurance with a lot of different things. It's insane! He spent an entire episode acting as a test subject for the "Less Lethal" police weapons, like tasers and pepper spray, and another one entirely subjecting himself to bites and stings from ants, bees, wasps, scorpions, and a crapload of snakes. That guy is boss.
I've had a killer headache for a few hours and I thought maybe it was because I was sleeping too much. I'm rather bored at home right now...but turns out it was just a lack of caffeine. My family isn't great at keeping a lot of food in the house, I swear I have to do all the shopping while I'm here. Otherwise we live off of Bodacious BBQ takeout and leftovers every week. Anyway, no sodas here, so I took one of my leftover energy shots from finals, and now I'm fit as a fiddle. Did I just say "fit as a fiddle?" Yes, yes I did.
Oh! And in other news, I now have an Italian pen pal. Hope he follows through. He's fun to talk to. (And super cute, not gonna lie!)
My website is almost finished. I just need to remember how to do Lightbox and add that in. Then I can start applying. Oh...well...and maybe I need to redesign my resume PDF to match it. We have to work on a visual system, people!

<<< yeah....
I'm currently watching this show called Guinea Pig. It's this guy who used be a circus performer who is now traveling the world to test his endurance with a lot of different things. It's insane! He spent an entire episode acting as a test subject for the "Less Lethal" police weapons, like tasers and pepper spray, and another one entirely subjecting himself to bites and stings from ants, bees, wasps, scorpions, and a crapload of snakes. That guy is boss.
I've had a killer headache for a few hours and I thought maybe it was because I was sleeping too much. I'm rather bored at home right now...but turns out it was just a lack of caffeine. My family isn't great at keeping a lot of food in the house, I swear I have to do all the shopping while I'm here. Otherwise we live off of Bodacious BBQ takeout and leftovers every week. Anyway, no sodas here, so I took one of my leftover energy shots from finals, and now I'm fit as a fiddle. Did I just say "fit as a fiddle?" Yes, yes I did.
Oh! And in other news, I now have an Italian pen pal. Hope he follows through. He's fun to talk to. (And super cute, not gonna lie!)
My website is almost finished. I just need to remember how to do Lightbox and add that in. Then I can start applying. Oh...well...and maybe I need to redesign my resume PDF to match it. We have to work on a visual system, people!

Thursday, December 15, 2011
You Know You're Not Fooling Anyone
Some additions to my Christmas list! (For the rest of the list, see previous post!)
New ink ribbon for my old typewriter
Gel pens
A spa day with a long massage
Footie pajamas with hood
New ink ribbon for my old typewriter
Gel pens
A spa day with a long massage
Footie pajamas with hood
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Us Against the World
Yeah, that's right. I'm blogging at 6:30 in the morning. My schedule is beyond weird right now. Ever since I pulled my all-nighter, where I didn't sleep until about 3:30pm the NEXT day, I've been sleeping backwards. I woke up literally at 6:00pm today. I had my last final at 7:30, came back, hung out with my friend Trapper, took him back home, then passed out for a few MORE hours in bed. And then I woke up at like 5 in the morning, and I was the OPPOSITE of tired. So here I am. I guess I'm awake for the day.
My hedgehog is laying in my lap, and being a general douche every time I try to pet him. He gets all hissy and pokes his quills out. I guess he just wants to sleep. But he ALWAYS sleeps. Trapper's hedgehog is so active! Lucky.
So, what to do now?
I'm watching The Office, so there's that. I'm pretty sure this is my third round through the seasons this year. I need new shows. :/
My room desperately needs cleaning, but of course I'm lazy. I'll get it in a bit. :p
OH! I just had a great idea. I have yet to make my Christmas list, and since I have nothing to do, I'm going to post it on here. I wanted to do it in pictures but the images were messing up the website layout. It was weird. These are a few of the things I want/need for Christmas:
A case for my Nikon D40 camera.
A case for my macbook.
A cheap digital camera.
A TV for when I move out
A new desk for when I move out
A toothbrush to bathe Heathcliff with
A leather portfolio case for my work
Any number of Barnes and Noble Leatherbound Classics books
LOST DVD box set
Any merchandise from the Warner Brothers Harry Potter merch site
Scentsy candles products
A digital picture frame
A nice set of pots and pans
Keyboard stickers for my mac (especially love the design shortcut stickers)

My hedgehog is laying in my lap, and being a general douche every time I try to pet him. He gets all hissy and pokes his quills out. I guess he just wants to sleep. But he ALWAYS sleeps. Trapper's hedgehog is so active! Lucky.
So, what to do now?
I'm watching The Office, so there's that. I'm pretty sure this is my third round through the seasons this year. I need new shows. :/
My room desperately needs cleaning, but of course I'm lazy. I'll get it in a bit. :p
OH! I just had a great idea. I have yet to make my Christmas list, and since I have nothing to do, I'm going to post it on here. I wanted to do it in pictures but the images were messing up the website layout. It was weird. These are a few of the things I want/need for Christmas:
A case for my Nikon D40 camera.
A case for my macbook.
A cheap digital camera.
A TV for when I move out
A new desk for when I move out
A toothbrush to bathe Heathcliff with
A leather portfolio case for my work
Any number of Barnes and Noble Leatherbound Classics books
LOST DVD box set
Any merchandise from the Warner Brothers Harry Potter merch site
Scentsy candles products
A digital picture frame
A nice set of pots and pans
Keyboard stickers for my mac (especially love the design shortcut stickers)

Friday, December 9, 2011
The End Will Justify the Pain it Took to Get Us There
Hello all! This is my first blog post to this site. No, I do not have some super awesome theme here. I just like to discuss my day and my thoughts, sorta let people keep up with me. It's a good idea, I think. I have a lot of friends and family that live far away, and I guess it's also a good way to let potential employers get a feel for who I am. This blog is definitely going to be linked on my portfolio website. :p
(Side note: My co-worker left her phone here in the office with me, and it's going off. The ring is this baby laughing...I can't decide if it's cute or creepy.)
Anyway. Tonight's going to be a rough night. I doubt I'm going to get much sleep, if any, until about three pm tomorrow. Why, you ask? Well, I'LL TELL YOU!
I'm at work right now until 9pm. Then I come back and midnight and work until 6 in the morning. Then I have to be at class at 8 for finals presentations in my Body in Contemporary Art class. That will go til around 10, then the print lab opens at noon, where I will go to print out my final project for Information Design due at 5pm, then mount it, and turn it in in the art building. That'll take a couple of hours. I do have a few breaks in between in which I could nap, but I'm not sure if that will help me or just make me more tired. It takes me about an hour to really fall asleep, and about an hour is all I'll get for each nap. I doubt that even if I do crawl into bed for an hour I'll even get any sleep anyway. Like I said, it just might make me even MORE upset when I have to crawl back out.
Next topic: My newfound obsession with Pinterest. SO MANY GOOD IDEAS! I'm really excited about finally getting my own place next year, and I'm really excited about fixing it up and decorating and things like that. Pinterest is giving me so many good ideas for it! Also, it gives me awesome ideas for things I want to learn to cook or do for art and design projects.
I'm working on my portfolio website right now while I'm at work. I think it looks decent, but I'm a bit concerned because I'm not familiar enough with DIVs to use them. I'm using tables, which is the only thing my web design teacher really taught us how to do. That makes little to no sense to me, since no one really uses tables in the real world. I'm afraid that it's going to make me look incompetent. If anyone reading this blog is thinking of hiring me,
DO NOT FEAR! I learn quickly. :) All I need is opportunity and time.
College is busy, isn't it? This isn't my first all-nighter by any means, but I do think this is the worst. I fully intend to go WAY over the recommended intake of energy shots tonight. Those things don't really have much effect on me. I may also drink coffee, which I don't really like. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
In other OTHER news, I've joined in order to track my calorie intake. Apparently to maintain my weight I need to eat 1900 calories a day, and to lose a pound a week I need to eat only 1400 calories a day. Well, I'd starve that way, considering on average I eat over 2000 a day. So I'm planning on losing weight very gradually. I'm going to try to cut down to 1750 calories a day, including what I burn with exercise. And as long as I stay under 1900, I can feel okay with myself.
I'm sure that that bit bored you all. I'm actually not one of those girls who's overly concerned with her weight for aesthetic purposes. I just know I'm a few pounds over my recommended weight. I want to keep myself healthy. Looks are a bonus. ;)
I suppose that's all for now.
And that means...PICTURE TIME!

(Side note: My co-worker left her phone here in the office with me, and it's going off. The ring is this baby laughing...I can't decide if it's cute or creepy.)
Anyway. Tonight's going to be a rough night. I doubt I'm going to get much sleep, if any, until about three pm tomorrow. Why, you ask? Well, I'LL TELL YOU!
I'm at work right now until 9pm. Then I come back and midnight and work until 6 in the morning. Then I have to be at class at 8 for finals presentations in my Body in Contemporary Art class. That will go til around 10, then the print lab opens at noon, where I will go to print out my final project for Information Design due at 5pm, then mount it, and turn it in in the art building. That'll take a couple of hours. I do have a few breaks in between in which I could nap, but I'm not sure if that will help me or just make me more tired. It takes me about an hour to really fall asleep, and about an hour is all I'll get for each nap. I doubt that even if I do crawl into bed for an hour I'll even get any sleep anyway. Like I said, it just might make me even MORE upset when I have to crawl back out.
Next topic: My newfound obsession with Pinterest. SO MANY GOOD IDEAS! I'm really excited about finally getting my own place next year, and I'm really excited about fixing it up and decorating and things like that. Pinterest is giving me so many good ideas for it! Also, it gives me awesome ideas for things I want to learn to cook or do for art and design projects.
I'm working on my portfolio website right now while I'm at work. I think it looks decent, but I'm a bit concerned because I'm not familiar enough with DIVs to use them. I'm using tables, which is the only thing my web design teacher really taught us how to do. That makes little to no sense to me, since no one really uses tables in the real world. I'm afraid that it's going to make me look incompetent. If anyone reading this blog is thinking of hiring me,
DO NOT FEAR! I learn quickly. :) All I need is opportunity and time.
College is busy, isn't it? This isn't my first all-nighter by any means, but I do think this is the worst. I fully intend to go WAY over the recommended intake of energy shots tonight. Those things don't really have much effect on me. I may also drink coffee, which I don't really like. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
In other OTHER news, I've joined in order to track my calorie intake. Apparently to maintain my weight I need to eat 1900 calories a day, and to lose a pound a week I need to eat only 1400 calories a day. Well, I'd starve that way, considering on average I eat over 2000 a day. So I'm planning on losing weight very gradually. I'm going to try to cut down to 1750 calories a day, including what I burn with exercise. And as long as I stay under 1900, I can feel okay with myself.
I'm sure that that bit bored you all. I'm actually not one of those girls who's overly concerned with her weight for aesthetic purposes. I just know I'm a few pounds over my recommended weight. I want to keep myself healthy. Looks are a bonus. ;)
I suppose that's all for now.
And that means...PICTURE TIME!

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